Rhetoric, Logic, & Argumentation

The #1 guide to classical rhetoric for today's students

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The #1 guide to classical rhetoric for today's students

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Rhetoric, Logic & Argumentation 30 Copies + Teacher's Edition

Rhetoric, Logic & Argumentation
Class Set

9th-12th Grade

Rhetoric, Logic & Argumentation Individual Copy

Rhetoric, Logic & Argumentation
Individual Copy

9th-12th Grade

Show your students how to analyze and build arguments.

Improve the work of every student writer by preparing them to understand and produce persuasive messages. Rhetoric, Logic, & Argumentation will help you provide students with the tools they'll need to systematically analyze both their own arguments and the arguments they'll encounter.

This easy-to-use book will help you teach many of the time-tested techniques of classical rhetoric, tailored to the needs of the modern student. It makes teaching the principles of deductive and inductive reasoning a snap, even if you have no formal training in logic. Plus, it helps students recognize dangerous logical fallacies and avoid them in their writing.

After studying Rhetoric, Logic, & Argumentation and completing the exercises within, your students will become more purposeful in their approaches to writing and more confident in their ability to use language.

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Rhetoric, Logic, & Argumentation will help you:

  • Teach the basics of deductive and inductive reasoning-even if you have no formal training in logic
  • Give students the power to use the techniques of classical rhetoric
  • Teach students how to organize their writing for maximum impact
  • Teach students how to recognize-and avoid-fallacious reasoning

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* Advanced Placement, AP, and the Advanced Placement Program are registered trademarks of the College Board, which was not involved in the production of, and does not endorse, these products.

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